Prof. Dr. Ming-Hui Huang

Ming-Hui Huang is Distinguished Professor, Department of Information Management, College of Management, National Taiwan University. Professor Huang received her PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. She is the first and only Asian-based fellow of European Marketing Academy (EMAC), International Research Fellow of the Centre for Corporate Reputation, University of Oxford, UK, and Distinguished Research Fellow of the Center for Excellence in Service, University of Maryland, USA. Her Fields of Specialty are AI strategy,  AI in Service, AI in Marketing, IT Service and Technology-enabled Marketing Strategy.

“The Feeling Economy–How Artificial Intelligence Is Creating the Era of Empathy” – Impulse Session

Artificial intelligence (AI) is profoundly changing our world, in ways that are not yet well-understood, because of the implicit (and wrong) assumption that all AI is about thinking intelligence. If we realize that there are multiple intelligences, of differing difficulty for AI, and that this is what drives the order of AI development, then we start to understand how this will change the balance between AI and HI (human intelligence). As we are in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic, public health scientists warn that such pandemics are likely to become more numerous, due to human encroachment of the natural world, increased global travel, and crowded cities that facilitate the spread of such viruses. The response to all of this is likely to an increased use of AI by everyone. This implies that HI will need to emphasize empathy more, to make up the loss of human contact, and to be more tolerant and understand each other more.

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